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Canada Vignettes: Homestead (1980)
Canada Vignettes: June in Povungnituk - Quebec Arctic (1980)
Canada Vignettes: Klondike Gold (1980)
Canada Vignettes: Maritimes Dig (1980)
Canada Vignettes: Melvin Arbuckle, Famous Canadian (1980)
Canada Vignettes: Northern Seasons (1980)
Canada Vignettes: Prairie Promise (1980)
Canada Vignettes: Prehistoric Artifacts, New Brunswick (1980)
Canada Vignettes: The Performer (1980)
Canada Vignettes: The Vote (1980)
Canada Vignettes: Under the Pole (1980)
Canción de Buenos Aires, La (1980)
Candy (1980)
Cangaceiro do Diabo, O (1980)
Cannibal Holocaust (1980)
Cano notes sur une expérience collective (1980)
Cantatrice chauve, La (1980) (TV)
Cantiga da Lagarta (1980)
Cantiga do Passeio (1980)
Canto de la cigarra, El (1980)
Capcana mercenarilor (1980)
Capriciousness (1980)
Captain Scarlet vs. the Mysterons (1980) (TV)
Captive (1980)
Car Crash (1980)
Car-Napping - Bestellt, geklaut, geliefert (1980)
Cara parchada, El (1980)
Cara quemada (1980)
Cardiac Arrest (1980)
Cardinal's Visit, The (1980)
Cariñosamente infiel (1980)
Carlton Your Doorman (1980) (TV)
Carmen (1980/I) (TV)
Carmen (1980/II) (TV)
Carmilla (1980)
Carnada (1980)
Carnal Highways (1980)
Carnaval de las bestias, El (1980)
Carnival (1980) (VG)
Carny (1980)
Carpenters: Music, Music, Music, The (1980) (TV)
Carrott Gets Rowdie (1980)
Carton rouge, Le (1980) (TV)
Casa dintre cîmpuri (1980)
Casa sperduta nel parco, La (1980)
Casinista, Il (1980)
Casino (1980) (TV)
Castelao (Biografía de un ilustre gallego) (1980)
Castelporziano, ostia dei poeti (1980) (TV)
Cataclysm (1980)
Catalans universals (1980)
Cataracte: Glaucome (1980)
Catch It... If You Can (1980)
Catch up Paradise (1980)
Catchpenny Twist (1980) (TV)
Catherine de Heilbronn (1980) (TV)
Cauchemar (1980)
CBS All American Thanksgiving Day Parade (1980) (TV)
Ceia dos Orixás, A (1980)
Celia, imagen del pueblo (1980)
Cenas Ribatejanas (1980)
Censor, The (1980)
Centipede (1980) (VG)
Centro de Instrução de Artilharia Anti-Aérea de Cascais (1980)
Centurians of Rome (1980)
Ceren (1980)
Cero a la izquierda, Un (1980)
Certaines nouvelles (1980)
Certas Palavras com Chico Buarque (1980)
Ceylon My Love (1980)
Cha chi nan fei (1980)
Chaakara (1980)
Chaal Baaz (1980)
Chain Reaction, The (1980)
Chained (1980)
Chairman of the Board (1980) (TV)
Challenger: An Industrial Romance (1980)
Challenger: An Industrial Romance: Short Version (1980)
Chalma (1980)
Cham (1980) (TV)
Chamaram (1980)
Chambal Ki Kasam (1980)
Champagne for Breakfast (1980)
Champagne... e fagioli (1980)
Chance, History, Art... (1980)
Chandipriya (1980)
Chandra Bimbam (1980)
Chandrahassam (1980)
Changbakui yeoja (1980)
Change of Seasons, A (1980)
Changeling, The (1980)
Chann Pardesi (1980)
Chanson de Tiber, La (1980) (TV)
Chansons souvenirs (1980)
Chant d'endurance, Le (1980)
Chap'la (1980)
Chapelle, La (1980)
Chapeuzinho Vermelho (1980)
Charleen or How Long Has This Been Going On? (1980)
Charlie Boy (1980) (TV)
Charlie Bravo (1980)
Charlots contre Dracula, Les (1980)
Charlotte, mouille sa culotte! (1980)
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